Monday, October 3, 2011

indonesia home design

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High Temperature Air - Desain Rumah Tinggal tropical should be given the window and door openings are wide, the air circulation in the field, and a high ceiling. Aperture width able to be maximized by creating a terrace around the house. Of course when you enable the land. View sample image with the home opener lebar.Curah Rain High - Two seasons extreme tropical regions is summer and rainy season. In the rainy season, rainfall is high. That is, the amount of water that befall your house roof will be enough. Consequently, the roof must be able to stream fast enough to the water. Desain Rumah Tinggal that is suitable for high rainfall areas bercurah slope of the roof is large enough. Minimum recommended roof slope is 30 degrees. View sample image with the house and ceiling slope of the roof tinggi.Kelembaban - High Humidity in the growth of high-risk fungi, and wood that is easy to become obsolete. High humidity can be reduced by maximizing the sun. Strive to be all the space to get enough sunlight from various directions. Wet areas, such as bathrooms, kitchens should be put at a gain direct access to sunlight. Avoid positioning furniture to create spaces room indonesia home design
dining room indonesia home design

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